viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

Tourism Ministry Will Promote Medical Tourism This Year in Mexico

Tourism Ministry will promote medical tourism this year

Written by Real eStrategy 2 Tourist Market Jan 12, 2011 Before finishing the first half of the year, the Tourism Ministry plans to formalize and launch, in conjunction with the Health Secretariat (SSA) - a certification program for providers of tourist services and health, as well as specific promotion, to potentiate tourism healthcare in the country.

The Secretary of Tourism, Gloria Guevara, predicted that between March and April dependence SSA heads and begin to implement a program to trigger health tourism ... The Tourism Ministry official pointed out that, in addition to positioning the country's hospital network abroad , shall certify hotels that meet the infrastructure requirements (eg disabled access).

According to studies by the consulting firm AT Kearney, in 2009 the medical tourism generated revenue capture by 122 million dollars annually, which represents $ 90 million expense for the use of medical services and $ 35 million for travel. However, generated an entire cluster , the company predicts an arrival in 2015 of 400 thousand to 450 thousand visitors and generate an economic benefit to the country close to 350 thousand million dollars.

El Financiero

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